SAMAJ SEWA SANSTHAN is working with and for working with and for disadvantaged elderly People & Child who want special care & Protection from the last 35 years. It was set up in 1986 and is registered under the Societies registration Act of 1860. SAMAJ SEWA SANSTHAN advocates for their needs such as for Universal Pension, quality healthcare, action against Elder Abuse and many more at a national, state and societal level with Central and State governments. It advocates for elder friendly policies and their implementation thereof. It works hand-in-hand with Senior Citizens Associations understanding elder needs working with and for them.
The aim is to serve needs in a holistic manner, enabling them to live active, dignified and healthier lives.
SAMAJ SEWA SANSTHAN focus over the years has moved from welfare to Development. It Provides elderly relief though various age care interventions such as- It runs Senior Citizen Home providing free fooding, lodging healthcare services to destitute elders, It conducts cataract surgeries to restore their sight, looks after their basic needs through support of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Govt. of India.